Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
FUE is an advanced level of hair transplantation. Small punch incisions (approximately 0.8-1mm) are made to extract individual hairs from areas where hair is plentiful, such as the back and sides of the head. Extracted hair follicles are handled extremely carefully and implanted into the area of balding.
FUE is a revolutionary treatment for hair loss with greater than 95% survival rates of newly implanted hair. It requires a fine surgical and artistic hand to achieve the best and most natural results. Therefore at AURA, we feel it is imperative to offer experienced surgeon led care.
FUE is the popular treatment of choice as it leaves behind minimal scarring and is safe. It is undertaken with the patient awake and is pain free after local anaesthetic is administered. FUE has excellent results with a very low side effect and complication profile.
FUE Hair transplant – FAQ’s
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How long does it take?
This depends on the number of grafts to be implanted but typically lasts between 5 to 8 hours. During this time the patient is awake, pain free and kept comfortable with regular drinks and watching TV or reading a book.
Is Hair transplant treatment permanent?
Hair grafts taken from the back and sides are genetically different to non-permanent hair lost from the front of the head. Hair grafts behave in a similar way to the area where they came from and therefore usually last a lifetime. In old age where the back and sides of the hair start thinning, the hair grafts follow a similar course.
Will I need any further procedures?
The hair loss process does not stop. Hair that is susceptible to DHT may continue to be miniaturised or lost. As transplanted hairs are from regions that are resistant to DHT, they are preserved. Further transplants may be required if the hair loss process continues to affect other areas.
Will my hair transplant look natural?
Yes, at AURA we plan your treatment carefully to ensure natural results. Surgery involves implanting your hair grafts in a pattern which closely resembles natural hair lines. This means others will not be able to tell whether you had a transplant.
When can I expect to see the result?
Straight after the procedure you will be able to see your hair line. Implanted hairs are lost in about two to six weeks. As the root of the hair is retained, new hair growth starts from them at 3-4 months. Some cosmetic difference can be seen around 6-8 months but the full result in most patients is seen between 12-14 months.
What happens after my surgery?
Bandaging is applied to the area for 24-48 hours. There is some discomfort associated with the transplant which is managed with pain relief for a few days. We will see you the next day and show you how to gently wash your hair. It is essential that you carefully follow instructions about hair hygiene to ensure a good result. This includes regular sterile saline sprays, ice pack massages and avoiding exercise for 1 week.
When can I return to work and sports?
Return to work is dependent on the nature of your job, the extent to which the grafts are noticeable and any privacy concerns. It is essential that you avoid sports and labour intensive jobs for 10 days after the transplant. This ensures the hair grafts have sufficient time to heal so they are not lost. Similarly, patients who wish to conceal the surgery should take 10 days off work. Patients who have more desk-based duties and are not concerned about concealing the surgery may return to work after 3-4 days.
Can I dye and style my hair?
Yes, once full re-growth of the hair is achieved.
How much will my transplant cost?
This will depend on the number of grafts required and the methods used. We offer a free consultation to go through your bespoke treatment package. Generally, hair transplants cost between £3000 to £8000. For eyebrow, beard and sideburn hair transplant prices start from £3500.
Contact us today
Fill in this simply and quick survey and let us begin to help you with your hair loss. Please have a picture of your hair loss ready to upload.